NMR Service
The central NMR department is a joint facility of the two chemical institutes and is made available to other internal and external users if sufficient capacity is available.
- Service: As a student or research assistant you are automatically registered. You are automatically registered if your scientific group leader is registered.
- Self measuring at Luna/Mars 300 MHz: From Master: Registration and briefing with Ms. Spitz (2420), then key activation with Ms. Rings (2702).
- Self-measurement VT, kinetics etc. : Registration and instruction with Mrs. Prochnicki (5820)/Mrs. Weynand(5819).
- NEWSLETTER: To stay up to date, please subscribe to the NEWSLETTER.
Please contact Dr. Nozinovic to present your chemistry and your need for the NMR method.
Email: nozinovic@uni-bonn. de / +49 228-732658
In case of available measuring capacity we gladly accept interesting and instructive orders from external scientific institutions and companies.

Here you can find out more about the NMR Service team and your contacts for questions regarding routine/special measurements.

Here you can find out everything about sample submission, instructions for self-measurement, user regulations, opening hours, access for students and the newsletter.

Spektrometer und "online setups"
Here you will find the most important technical data and instructions for use for the various instruments.