AK Streubel
AK Streubel
AK Streubel
AK Streubel

Lecture List of Prof. Dr. Rainer Streubel (national and international)

1.     Liebig-Stipendiaten-Treffen, Rüsselsheim/Deutschland, 19. Oktober 1993: „Synthese und Reaktivität von Metallaheterobutadienen“

2.     Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig/Deutschland, 16. Dezember 1993: „Synthese und Reaktivität von Metallaheterobutadienen“

3.     Inorganic Rings International Symposia VII, Banff/Kanada, 11. August 1994: „Synthesis, Structure and Reactions of 2H-Azaphosphirene Derivatives“, Beitrag-O29.

4.     Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld/Deutschland, 12. Mai 1995: „Synthese und Reaktivität hochgespannter Phosphor-Heterocyclen - Neuere Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet kleiner Ringsysteme“

5.     13th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Jerusalem/Israel, ICPC 18. July 1995: „Recent Results on Synthesis and Ring Cleavage Reactions of 2H-azaphosphirene Derivatives“.

6.     Chemiedozententagung, Hannover/Deutschland, 6. März 1996: „Metallkomplex-kon-trollierte Dreiring-Heterocyclensynthese“, Beitrag-C33.

7.     Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Wupper-tal/Deutschland, 8. Juni 1996: „Umcyclisierungen in der Phosphor-Heterocyclenchemie - Neues zum Austausch von Nitrilen gegen Alkine und Phosphaalkine in gespannten Ringsystemen“

8.     31th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Vancouver/Kanada, 22. August 1996: „Metallaheterobutadienes as Unconventional Precursors for Complexed Three-membered Heterocycles“, Beitrag-8L4.

9.     Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern/ Deutschland, 15. Dezember 1996: „Synthese und Reaktionen von 2H-Azaphosphiren-Metallkomplexen“

10.  Inorganic Rings International Symposia VIII, Loughborough/England, 11. August 1997: „Advances in 2H-azaphosphirene Complex Chemistry“, Beitrag-O12.

11.  Inorganic Rings International Symposia VIII, Loughborough/England, 11. August 1997: „Synthesis and Structures of the First 2H-1,3,2-Diazaphosphole Complexes“, Beitrag-O13.

12.  Chemiedozententagung, Essen/Deutschland, März 1998: „Ein neuartiges Nitriliumbetain als Komplexligand“, Beitrag-B7.

13.  5th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry, London/Kanada, 6. Juli 1998: „Coordinated Nitrilium Betaines with Phosphorus“, Beitrag-M-C-17-10.

14.  14th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Cincinnatti/USA, 15. Juli 1998: „Generation and Reactions of Transient Nitrilium Phosphane-Ylid Complexes“, Beitrag-LW6-6.

15.  Chemiedozententagung, Oldenburg/Deutschland, 15. März 1999: „Synthese neuartiger Ester-funktionalisierter P-Liganden“, Beitrag-B7.

16.  5th RSC/GDCh International Conference, Brighton/England, 22. Juli 1999: „Ring-functionalized P-Heterocycle Complexes“.

17.  37th IUPAC Congress/27th GDCh General Meeting, Berlin/Deutschland, 16. August 1999: „A New Concept for the Synthesis of Ester-functionalized P-Heterocycles“, Beitrag-L10.

18.  13th FECHEM International Conference, Lissabon/Portugal, 6. September 1999: „Synthesis of Ester-functionalized P-Heterocycles“, Beitrag-O16.

19.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Göttingen, Göttingen/ Deutschland, 23. November 1999: „Metallassistierte Reaktionen der Phosphorheterocyclenchemie“

20.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen/ Deutschland, 9. Dezember 1999: „Neue Isomerisierungs- und Zerfallsprozesse metallorganischer und koordinationschemischer Verbindungen - Vom Verdruß zum Synthesekonzept“

21.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Erlangen/Deutschland, 31. Januar 2000: „Mono- und polycyclische Phosphorheterocyclen-Komplexe durch Metall-assistierte Reaktionen“

22.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck/Österreich, 13. März 2000: „Effektive und effiziente Synthesemethoden Übergangsmetall-komplexierter Phosphorheterocyclen“

23.  Chemiedozententagung, Regensburg/Deutschland, 21. März 2000: „Elektronen-transferreaktionen an P-Heterocyclen-Komplexen“, Beitrag-B23.

24.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Bonn, Bonn/Deutschland, 18. Mai 2000: „Ungesättigte N,P-Heterocyclen als neue Ligandsysteme und biomimetische Zielverbindungen“

25.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Hannover, Hannover/ Deutschland, 15. Juni 2000: „Ungewöhnliche ungesättigte P-Heterocyclen-Metallkomplexe - Synthese und Strukturen“

26.  Inorganic Rings International Symposia IX, Saarbrücken/Deutschland, 25. Juli 2000: „Novel Selective Ring Expansion Reactions of the 2H-Azaphosphirene Ring System“, Beitrag-O21.


Lecture Tour in the US 2000 (27-39) (Host: Prof. Dr. A.J. Arduengo III):

27.  Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, Atlanta/USA, 3. Oktober 2000: „Rearrangement of Metal Carbene Complexes as Organometallic Approach to Strained Heterocycles and other Curiosities"

28.  Auburn University, Auburn/USA, 5. Oktober 2000: „Rearrangement of Metal Carbene Complexes as Organometallic Approach to Strained Heterocycles and other Curiosities"

29.  University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa/USA, 9. Oktober 2000: „Rearrangement of Metal Carbene Complexes as Organometallic Approach to Strained Heterocycles and other Curiosities"

30.  University of Texas, Austin/USA, 12. Oktober 2000: „Rearrangement of Metal Carbene Complexes as Organometallic Approach to Strained Heterocycles and other Curiosities"


31.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Dortmund, Dortmund/ Deutschland, 5. Dezember 2000: „Warum 2H-Azaphosphiren-Komplexchemie? – Ein wissenschaftlicher Spaziergang rund um einen Dreiring“

32.  Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (CNRS), Toulouse/Frankreich, 8. Februar 2001: „Chemistry of Unsaturated Phosphorus Heterocycles: New Developments“

33.  Aventis Technology and Research, Frankfurt a. Main/Deutschland, 25. April 2001: „Neue Synthesemethoden der Phosphororganischen Chemie“

34.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin/ Deutschland, 7. Mai 2001: „Nitriliumphosphan-Ylid-Metallkomplexe? – Reaktive Inter-mediate mit Zukunft“

35.  15th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Sendai/Japan, 31. Juli 2001: „Catalytic Reactions in Heterophosphole Chemistry“

36.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster/Deutschland, 21. August 2001: „Reaktive Intermediate der Phosphorchemie – Herausforderung und Chance“


Lecture Tour in Canada 2001 (37-41) (Host: Prof. Dr. N. Burford):

37.  University of British Columbia, Vancouver/Kanada, 4. September 2001: „Nitrilium Phosphanylide Complexes? - A quite unusual 1,3-Dipole system“.

38.  University of Alberta, Edmonton/Kanada, 5. September 2001: „Nitrilium Phosphanylide Complexes? - A quite unusual 1,3-Dipole system“.

39.  Dalhousie University, Hallifax/Kanada, 7. September 2001: „Nitrilium Phosphanylide Complexes? - A quite unusual 1,3-Dipole system“.

40.  University of New Brunswick, Fredericton/Kanada, 10. September 2001: „Nitrilium Phosphanylide Complexes? - A quite unusual 1,3-Dipole system“.

41.  University of Windsor, Windsor/Kanada, 14. September 2001: „Nitrilium Phosphanylide Complexes? - A quite unusual 1,3-Dipole system“.


42.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Köln, Köln/Deutschland, 24. Oktober 2001: „Phosphor in ungewöhnlichen Bindungssituationen in reaktiven Intermediaten und stabilen Verbindungen“.

43.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Amsterdam, Amsterdam/Niederlande, 29. November 2001: „Adducts of Terminal Phosphinidene Complexes – Generation and Perspectives“.

44.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf/Deutschland, 5. Dezember 2001: „Neuartige Heterophosphole als Ziel und Ausgangspunkt interessanter Entwicklungen“.

45.  Kolloquium im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogrammes „Molekularer Magnetismus“ (SSP 1137), Eltville/Deutschland, 11./12. Dezember 2001: „Magnetism in Molecular and Supramolecular N,P-Heterophosphole Compounds“.

46.  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Würzburg, Würzburg/ Deutschland, 17. Dezember 2001: „Ungesättigte Heterocyclen mit einem dreifach koordinierten Phosphoratom - Synthesen und mögliche Verwendungen".

47.  Chemiedozententagung, Köln/Deutschland, 11. März 2002: „Komplexe mit neuartigen ungesättigten N,P-Heterocyclen“, Beitrag-B23.


Lecture Tour in France 2002 (48-54) (Host: Prof. Dr. F. Mathey):

48.  Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, Paris/Frankreich, 5. März 2002: „New Synthetic methods in Organophosphorus Chemistry based on highly reactive intermediates“.

49.  Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau/Frankreich, 6. März 2002: „New Synthetic methods in Organophosphorus Chemistry based on highly reactive intermediates“.

50.  Institut de Chimie, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes/Frankreich, 13. März 2002: „New Synthetic methods in Organophosphorus Chemistry based on highly reactive intermediates“.

51.  Institut de Chimie, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg/Frankreich, 20. März 2002: „New Synthetic methods in Organophosphorus Chemistry based on highly reactive intermediates“.

52.  Université de Bourgogne, Dijon/Frankreich, 22. März 2002: „New Synthetic methods in Organophosphorus Chemistry based on highly reactive intermediates“.

53.  Ecole de Chimie de Montpellier, Montpellier/Frankreich, 28. März 2002: „New Synthetic methods in Organophosphorus Chemistry based on highly reactive intermediates“.

54.  Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (CNRS), Toulouse/Frankreich, 29. März 2002: „New Synthetic methods in Organophosphorus Chemistry based on highly reactive intermediates“.


55.  Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universtät Bonn, Bonn/Deutschland, 10. Juni 2002: „Hochreaktiv, aber zähmbar - Phosphinidenkomplexe als Synthesebausteine für neue Heterocyclen“.

56.  Technische Universität Graz, Graz/Österreich, 24. Juni 2002: „Hochreaktiv, aber zähmbar - Phosphinidenkomplexe als Synthesebausteine für neue Heterocyclen“.

57.  XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Korfu/Griechenland, 8. Juli 2002: "Investigating ferrocenium salt-catalyzed ligand expansions of 2H-azaphosphirene complexes - A new approach to macromolecular Chemistry?".

58.  XIIIth International Conference on Organosilicon Chemistry, Guanajuato/Mexico, 27. August 2002: "An unusual case of inverse silatropy".

59.  Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (CNRS), Toulouse/Frankreich, 9. September 2002: "Unusual ligands: Concepts, syntheses and perspectives".

60.  Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica ed Analytica, Cagliari/Italien, 10. Oktober 2002: "New synthetic concepts in heterocyclic chemistry".

61.  Kolloquium des Instituts für Anorganische Chemie der Universität Bremen, Bremen/Deutschland, 12. Dezember 2002: „Phosphinidenkomplexe als Synthesebausteine für neue Heterocyclen".

62.  Kolloquium des Instituts für Anorganische und Analytischen Chemie der Phillipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg/Deutschland, 16. Dezember 2002: „Lewis-Säure-/Lewis-Base-Addukte von terminalen Phosphinidenkomplexen - Neue hochreaktive Bausteine der Synthesechemie".

63.  Kolloquium des Instituts für Anorganische Chemie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Deutschland, 3. Juni 2003: „Erzeugung und Verwendung hochreaktiver terminaler Phosphinidenkomplexe in der Heterocyclensynthese".

64.  Kolloquium des Instituts für Anorganische und Analytischen Chemie der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig/Deutschland, 2. Juli 2003: „Neue Beiträge zur Chemie von Elektronenmangelverbindungen".

65.  Xth International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, Burlington/USA, 19. August 2003: „Syntheses, structures and reactions of novel four-, five- and six-membered unsaturated N,P-heterocycle complexes" .

66.  Anorganisch chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart/Deutschland, 10. Februar 2004: „Elektrophile terminale Phosphiniden-Komplex-Lewis-Base Addukte“.


Lecture Tour in the UK 2004 (67-69) (Host: Prof. Dr. D. Woollins):

67.  University of Bristol, Bristol/England, 9. März 2004: “Transition-metal-like chemistry of phosphorus: the case of electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes”.

68.  University of St Andrews, St Andrews/Schottland, 10. März 2004: “Transition-metal-like chemistry of phosphorus: the case of electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes”.

69.  University of Sussex, Brighton/England, 12. März 2004: “Transition-metal-like chemistry of phosphorus: the case of electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes”.


70.  16th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Birmingham/England, 08. Juli 2004: „C-X bond and C-H activation by electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes“, OP-22.

71.  XXIth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Vancouver/Kanada, 26. Juli 2004: „Donor Adducts of Electrophilic Terminal Phosphinidene Complexes: The Quest for C-H and C-X Bond Activation“, B-O5.

72.  31th Symposium on Heteroatom Chemistry (Japan), Wakayama/Japan, 09. Dezember 2004: „Phosphorus: A Carbon or a Transition-metal Copy“, (plenary lecture, PL-02).


Lecture Tour in Japan 2004 (73-81) (Host: Prof. Dr. M. Yoshifuji):

73.  Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan, 06. Dezember 2004: “Electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes: Coordination chemistry of a group 15 element”.

74.  Hiroshima University, Hiroshima/Japan, 13. Dezember 2004: “Electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes: Coordination chemistry of a group 15 element”.

75.  Womens University at Nara, Nara/Japan, 15. Dezember 2004: “Phosphorus: A Carbon or a Transition-metal Copy?”.

76.  Mie University, Tsu/Japan, 16. Dezember 2004: “A new concept for the bottom-up synthesis of functional P,N-containing macrocycles using SET-type reaction conditions”.

77.  Tohoku University, Sendai/Japan, 17. Dezember 2004: “Electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes: Coordination chemistry of a group 15 element”.

78.  University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba/Japan, 20. Dezember 2004: “Phosphorus: A Carbon or a Transition-metal Copy”.

79.  Japan Womens University, Tokyo/Japan, 21. Dezember 2004: “Electrophilic terminal phosphinidene complexes: Coor-dination chemistry of a group 15 element”.

80.  Waseda University, Tokyo/Japan, 22. Dezember 2004: “Phosphorus: A Carbon or a Transition-metal Copy?”.

81.  University of Tokyo, Tokyo/Japan, 24. Dezember 2004: “A new concept for the bottom-up synthesis of functional P,N-containing macrocycles using SET-type reaction conditions”.


82.  I.C.M.A.B. (C.S.I.C.), Campus U.A.B., Bellaterra/Spanien, 09. Mai 2005: “Phosphorus chemistry with unusual reactive intermediates”.

83.  Universität von Budapest, Budapest/Ungarn, 18. Mai 2005: „Phosphorus compounds with a transition metal-like chemistry“.  

84.  Universität von Pécs, Pécs/Ungarn, 19. Mai. 2005: „Phosphorus compounds with a transition metal-like chemistry“. 

85.  Universität zu Köln, Köln/Deutschland, 22. Juni 2005: „Aktivierung kleiner Moleküle durch Nichtmetallverbindungen“.

86.  PacifiChem 2005, Honolulu/Hawai/USA, 19. Dezember 2005: „Phosphorus compounds that activate small molecules“(invited lecture).

87.  University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 22. März 2006: „New and efficient synthetic methods in phosphorus heterocyclic chemistry“.

88.  University of Alicante, Alicante/Spain, 23. März 2006: „New and efficient synthetic methods in phosphorus heterocyclic chemistry“.

89.  XIth International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, Oulu/Finnland, 31. Juli 2006: „Bond selective ring enlargements of inorganic rings“.

90.  2nd Core-to-Core Meeting, University of Tokyo, Tokyo/Japan, 27. August 2006: “New syntheses and bond-selective ring-expansions of 2H-azaphosphirene and oxaphosphirane complexes” (plenary lecture).

91.  University of Almería, Almería/Spain, 26. Februar 2007: “Coordination chemistry of a group 15 element: bond activation from a new perspective“.

92.  University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 27. Februar 2007: “Coordination chemistry of a group 15 element: bond activation from a new perspective“.

93.  8th Florida Heterocyclic Conference, Gainesville/Florida/USA, 13. März 2007: “Atom efficient routes to P,N-heterocycles” (keynote lecture).

94.  17th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Xiamen/China, 19. April 2007: “Recent advances in the chemistry of P,N-heterocycles” (invited lecture).

95.  Contemporary Main Group Chemistry, Eastchem Mini Symposium, St. Andrews/UK, 5. June 2007: “Unusual donor-acceptor complexes of terminal phosphinidene complexes” (keynote lecture).

96.  4th Heron Island Conference on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules, Heron Island/Australien, 9. Juli 2007: “Phosphinidenoid complexes: generation and reactions” (invited lecture).

97.  21h International Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Sydney/Australien, 19. Juli 2007: “Phosphorus Heterocyclic Chemistry: New Structures and Reactions” (invited lecture).

98.  University of Tarragona/Spain, 2. April 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – A recent breakthrough in reactive intermediate chemistry”, (invited lecture).

99.  University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 3. April 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – A recent breakthrough in reactive intermediate chemistry”, (invited lecture).

Lecture Tour in the US 2008 (100-104):

100.        University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley/San Francisco/USA, 10. April 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – A recent breakthrough in reactive intermediate chemistry”, (invited lecture).

101.        Texas A&M University, College Station/USA, 14. April 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – A recent breakthrough in reactive intermediate chemistry”, (invited lecture).

102.        Rice University, Houston/USA, 15. April 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – A recent breakthrough in reactive intermediate chemistry”, (invited lecture).

103.        University of California at Riverside, Riverside/Los Angeles/USA, 18. April 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – A recent breakthrough in reactive intermediate chemistry”, (invited lecture).

104.        University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa/USA, 23. April 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – A recent breakthrough in reactive intermediate chemistry”, (invited lecture).


105.        XV International conference on Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds, St. Petersburg/Russland, 28. Mai 2008: “Phosphinidenoid complexes: novel useful reactive intermediates”, (invited lecture).

106.        Universität Rostock, Rostock/Deutschland, 19. Juni 2008: “Koordinationsverbindungen von Phosphorverbindungen – aus einer anderen Perspektive”, (invited lecture).

107.        Universität von Murcia, Murcia/Spanien, 11. February 2009: “Stretching the boundaries of phosphinidenoid complexes chemistry”, (invited lecture).

108.        University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa/USA, 17. February 2009: “Stretching the boundaries of phosphinidenoid complexes chemistry”, (invited lecture).

109.        COST ACTION CM0802 “PhoSciNet”, University of Florence, Florence/Italy, 28. March 2009: “WG1: “Chemistry of phosphinidenoid complexes“ and WG4: “Strategies for Phos-phorus-containing polymers derived from three-membered rings“, (invited lecture).

110.        Universität Regensburg, Regensburg/Germany, 15. May 2009: “Stretching the boun-daries of phosphinidenoid complexes chemistry”, (invited lecture).

111.        National Academy of Science of the Ukraine, Kiew/Ukraine, 2. June 2009: “Phosphinidenoid complexes – or what do we know about 1,1,-elimination reactions”, (invited lecture).

112.        Universität Graz, Graz/Austria, 1. July 2009: “Stretching the boundaries of phos-phinidenoid complexes chemistry”, (invited lecture).

113.        Delhi University, New Delhi/India, 10. August 2009: “Designing click-type reactions in phosphorus chemistry”, (invited lecture).

114.        Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi/India, 11. August 2009: “Designing click-type reactions in phosphorus chemistry”, (invited lecture).

115.        Guru Gobin Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi/India, 12. August 2009: “Designing click-type reactions in phosphorus chemistry”, (invited lecture).

116.        Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi/India, 13. August 2009: “Designing click-type reactions in phosphorus chemistry”, (invited lecture).

117.        XIIth International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, Goa/India, 18. August 2009: “Designing a new “click-chemistry” based on strained inorganic rings with N,P or O,P bonds”, (invited lecture).

118.        Universität Leipzig, Deutschland, 4. November 2009: “Phosphinidenoidkomplexe: Mehr als nur Anstoß und Prüfstein für mechanistische Modelle?”, (invited lecture).

119.        Universität Würzburg, Deutschland, 14. December 2009: “Phosphinidenoidkomplexe: Synthese, Struktur und Reaktionen”, (invited lecture).

120.        Technische Universität Braunschweig, Deutschland, 5. Februar 2010: “Phosphini-denoidkomplexe und click-Reaktionen”, (invited lecture).

121.        University of Murcia, Spain, 12. February 2010: “M/X phosphinidenoidkomplexe and click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

122.        Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai/India, 1. March 2010: “M/X phosphinidenoid-komplexes and click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

123.        Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai/India, 17. March 2010: “M/X phosphinidenoid-komplexes and click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

124.        COST action “PhoSciNet”, Budapest/Hungary, 27. March 2010: “WG1: M/X phosphinidenoid complexes and WG4: ring expansion of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).



125.        University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa/USA, 26. May 2010: “New avenues in oxaphosphirane complex chemistry”, (invited lecture).

126.        93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference, Toronto/Canada, 1. June 2010: “Click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

127.        5th Heron Island Conference on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules, Heron Island/Australien, 12. July 2010: “Phosphinidenoid complex chemistry: experimental and theoretical results” (invited lecture).

128.        18th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Xiamen/China, 14. July 2010: “Phosphinidenoid complex chemistry: experimental and theoretical results” (invited lecture).

129.        University of Brisbane, Brisbane/Australia, 19. July 2010: “Click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

130.        University of Melbourne, Melbourne/Australia, 22. July 2010: “Click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

131.        Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 26. July 2010: “Click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

132.        International Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou/ China, 27. September 2010: “Click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

133.        PacifiChem 2010, Honolulu/Hawai/USA, 15. December 2010: „Click reactions of strained phosphorus heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

134.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 1. March 2011: “Oxaphosphiranes: 21st century epoxides?”,  (invited lecture).

135.        University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa/USA, 9. March 2011: “Oxaphos-phiranes: 21st century epoxides?”, (invited lecture).

136.        COST action “PhoSciNet”, Münster/Germany, 30. March 2011: “WG1: Ring opening and ring expansion of oxaphosphirane complexes”, (invited lecture).

137.        A. E. Arbuzov Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Tartastan/Russia, 30. June 2011: “Phosphinidenoid complexes: Recent developments and applications”, (invited lecture).

138.        Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München/Germany, 21. July 2011: “Phos-phoranaloge Epoxide”, (invited lecture).

139.        3rd Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry, New Delhi/India, 18. October 2011: “New Concepts and Applications using Coordination Chemistry of Unusual Ligands: The Case of Phosphinidenoid and Oxaphosphirane Ligands”, (invited lecture).

140.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 7. March 2012: “What makes a substituent special? A short story on unusual alkyl substituents”, (invited lecture).

141.        COST action “PhoSciNet”, Rennes/France, 21. March 2012: “Oxaphosphiranes with XXL strain”, (invited lecture).

142.        BAYER, Leverkusen/Germany, 27. April 2012: “New concepts and applications using coordination chemistry of unusual ligands - the case of phosphinidenoid and oxaphosphirane ligands”, (invited lecture).

143.        10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry, Kyoto/Japan, 24. May 2012: “Addressing bond selective cleavage in oxaphosphirane complexes”, (invited lecture).

144.        Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf/Germany, 4. June 2012: “Hochreaktive Intermediate: Ärgerliches und Nützliches mit Li/X-Phosphinidenoidkomplexen”, (invited lecture).

145.        19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rotterdam/Netherlands, 7. July 2012: “Addressing bond selective cleavage in oxaphosphirane complexes”, (invited lecture).

146.        13th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, Victoria/Canada, July 30, 2012: “Bond selective cleavage in oxaphosphirane complexes”, (invited lecture).

147.        Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca/Spain, 27. November 2012: “Oxaphosphiranes: strange and strained analogues of epoxides?”, (invited lecture).

148.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 5. March 2013: “Combining phosphine and NHC ligands: perspectives of a new Janus head system”, (invited lecture).

149.        University of St Andrews, St Andrews/UK, 28. March 2013: “Combining phosphine and NHC ligands: perspectives of a new Janus head system”, (invited lecture).

150.        Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca/Spain, 26. April 2013: “Combining phosphine and NHC ligands: perspectives of a new Janus head system”, (invited lecture).

151.        96th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Quebec/Canada, 26.-30. Mai 2013: “Combining phosphine and NHC ligands: perspectives of a new Janus head system”, (invited lecture).

152.        Universität Dortmund, Dortmund/Germany, 25. Juni 2013: “Phosphinidenoid complexes or what we can learn from the diagonal relationship”, (invited lecture, postponed).

153.        Technical University of Graz, Graz/Austria, 14. August 2013: “Phosphinidenoid complexes: Filling the gap or opening new avenues for P1 building blocks?”, (invited lecture).

154.        University of British Columbia, Vancouver/Canada, 4. September 2013: “Phosphinidenoid complexes: Filling the gap or opening new avenues for P1 building blocks?”, (invited lecture).

155.        University of Victoria, Victoria/Canada, 5. September 2013: “Phosphinidenoid complexes: Filling the gap or opening new avenues for P1 building blocks?”, (invited lecture).

156.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 4. March 2014: “New adventures in phosphinidenoid complex chemistry”, (invited lecture).

157.        European Network Meeting on Smart Inorganic Polymers (SIPs, CM1302), Sofia/Bulgaria, 27. March 2014: “Strained O-containing phosphorus heterocycles as new functional building blocks in polymer chemistry”, (invited lecture).

158.        20th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Dublin/Ireland, 29. June 2014: Li/X Phosphinidenoid Complexes: A Powerful Tool in Phospha-organic Synthesis”, (invited lecture).

159.        41th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Singapore, 24. July 2014: “Coordination vs Covalent Bonding of Low-Coordinate Phosphorus – But where to Draw the Line?”, (invited lecture).

160.        EurSIPs conference (cm 1302), Maribor/Slovenia, 23. September 2014: “Polymers from functional heterocyclic thiones”, (invited lecture).

161.        Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca/Spain, 3. October 2014: ”Phosphanyl and phosphanoxyl complexes”, (invited lecture).

162.        BASF, Basel/Switzerland, 17. February 2015: “Phosphinidenoid Complexes: New Powerful P1 Building Blocks”, (invited lecture).

163.        University of Almeria, Almeria/Spain, 9. March 2015: “Phosphinidenoid Complexes:  New Powerful P1 Building Blocks”, (invited lecture).

164.        10th Organoelement Chemistry Seminar, University of Kyoto, Kyoto/Japan, 8. June 2015: “Phosphinidenoid And Terminal Phosphinidene Complexes. First Comparison Of A Complementary Couple”, (plenary lecture).

165.        11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry, Caens/France, 16. June 2015:  “Phosphinidenoid Complexes: Powerful building blocks in O,P,C-heterocyclic chemistry” (keynote lecture).

166.        14th International Symposium on Inorganic Rings Systems, Regensburg/Germany, 28. July 2015: “Super-strained inorganic ligands: substrate-dependent reactivity”, (invited lecture).

167.        PacifiChem 2015, Honolulu/Hawai/USA, 19. December 2015: “Superstrained three-membered P-ligands: synthesis and insights into substrate dependent reactivity”, (invited lecture).

168.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 2. March 2016: “Chemistry of P-modified electron-rich hetarenes”, (invited lecture).

Lecture tour in Japan 2016 (169-174) (Host: Prof. N. Tokitoh)

169.        Saitama University, Tokyo/Japan, 15. March 2016: “Terminal Phosphinidene and Phosphinidenoid Complexes: Differences, Similarities and new Opportunities”, (invited lecture).

170.        Chuo University, Tokyo/Japan, 16. March 2016: “Terminal Phosphinidene and Phosphinidenoid Complexes: Differences, Similarities and new Opportunities”, (invited lecture).

171.        Tohoku University, Sendai/Japan, 18. March 2016: “Chemistry of P-functional Imidazole Derivatives and Related Heterocycles”, (invited lecture).

172.        Fukuoka University, Hakata/Japan, 22. March 2016“Terminal Phosphinidene and Phosphinidenoid Complexes: Differences, Similarities and new Opportunities”, (invited lecture)

173.        96th CSJ Annual Meeting at Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan, 25. March 2016: “Phosphi-nidenoid and Terminal Phosphinidene Complexes”, (invited special lecture).

174.        Hiroshima University, Hiroshima/Japan, 1. April 2016: “Reviewing the Chemistry of Phosphinidenoid Complexes”, (invited lecture).


175.        SFB 813 Workshop Bonn/St Andrews, University of St Andrews, St Andrews/UK, 14. April 2016: “Transition-metal complexes with redox-active phosphorus ligands”, (invited lecture).

176.        99th CSC Annual Meeting, Halifax/Canada, 7. June 2016:“Phosphinidene and Phos-phinidenoid Complexes – Friends or Foes?”, (invited lecture).

177.        23rd IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Sydney/Australia, 5. July 2016: “3-Imino-azaphosphiridine complexes: strained rings, 1,3-dipoles, reactive intermediates and unusual non-metal isonitrile adducts”,  (invited lecture).

178.        7th Heron Island Conference, Heron/Australia, 12. July 2016: “Terminal phosphinidene complexes – their chemistry in between P-adducts, oxidative addition and phosphine-denoids”, (invited lecture).

179.        Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart/Germany, 17. January 2017: „Metal complexes of unusual closed and open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

180.    University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 15. March 2017: „Transition metal complexes with highly reactive, closed- and open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

181.    European Network Meeting on Smart Inorganic Polymers (SIPs, CM1302), Cluji/Rumania, 22. March 2017: „New polymer precursors: Synthesis and reactions of 1,2- and 1,3-diol-type P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

182.    100th CSC Annual Meeting, Toronto/Canada, 29. May 2017: „Metal complexes of unusual closed and open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

Lecture tour in Canada 2017 (183-185):

183.        University of Windsor, Windsor/Canada, 02. June 2017: „Metal complexes of unusual closed and open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

184.        University of Calgary, Calgary/Canada, 05. June 2017: „Metal complexes of unusual closed and open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

185.        University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge/Canada, 08. June 2017: „Metal complexes of unusual closed and open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

186.        12th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry, Vancouver/Canada, 14. June 2017: “Oxaphosphirane complexes: learning from epoxide chemistry”, (invited lecture).

187.        Universität Münster, Münster/Germany, 20. July 2017: „Phosphor in ungewöhnlichen Bindungssituationen: Herausforderung und Chance“, (invited lecture).

188.        4th EurSIPs Conference, University of Zagreb/Croatia, 01. March 2018: „A novel approach in P-containing Polymer Chemistry using tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines“, (invi-ted lecture).

189.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 08. March 2018: „Chemical fun with tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines“, (invited lecture).

190.        University of the Saarland/Germany, 06. June 2018: „Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphos-phinines“, (invited lecture).

191.        University of Saarland, Saarbrücken/Germany, 6. Juni 2018: „Chemistry of 1,4-diphos-phinines“, (invited lecture).

Lecture tour in Japan 2018 (192-194)

192.        Gifu University, Gifu/Japan, 19. June 2018: “1,2-Oxaphosphetane Complexes: Synthesis, Reactions and Perspectives”, (invited lecture).

193.        Nagoya University, Nagoya/Japan, 21. June 2018: „1,2-Oxaphosphetane Complexes: Synthesis, Reactions and Perspectives”, (invited lecture).

194.        Osaka City University, Osaka/Japan, 29. June 2018: „1,2-Oxaphosphetane Complexes: Synthesis, Reactions and Perspectives”, (invited lecture).

195.        15th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, Kyoto/Japan, June 24th – 29th 2018: „1,2-Oxaphosphetane Complexes: Synthesis, Reactions and Perspectives”, (key-note lecture).

196.        22nd International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Budapest/Hungary, July 8th – 13th 2018: „Metal complexes with highly reactive open-shell P-ligands”, (keynote lecture).

197.        28th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Florence/Italy, July 15th – 20th 2018: „Metal complexes with highly reactive open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

Lecture tour in India 2019 (198-200):

198.    Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi/India, 11. February 2019: „1,4-Diphosphinines and bis-NHCs“, (invited lecture).

199.    Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lungowal/Punjab/India, 12. February 2019: „1,4-Diphosphinines and bis-NHCs“, (invited lecture).

200.    Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, Chandigarh/India, 14. February 2019: „Transition metal complexes with highly reactive, closed- and open-shell P-ligands”, (invited lecture).

201.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 07. March 2019: „1,4-Diphosphinines and bis-NHCs“, (invited lecture).

202.        13th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry, Prague Czechia, 1. July 2019: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

203.        University of Vermont, Burlington, USA, 19. August 2019: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

204.        Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland/Ohio, USA, 22. August 2019: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

205.        University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 29. August 2019: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

206.        University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 26. November 2019: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

207.        University of Kyoto, Uji/Kyoto, Japan, 28. November 2019: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

208.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 3. March 2020: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

209.        23rd International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry (ICPC-23), Częstochowa/ Łódź, Poland, 5. July 2021, “The chemistry of Li/Cl phosphinidenoid metal complexes“, (invited lecture).

210.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 15. April 2021: “The chemistry of Li/Cl phosphini-denoid metal complexes – Recent advances”, (invited lecture).

211.        University of the Balearic Islands, Palma/Spain, 14. February 2022, “1,4-Diphosphinine and bis(NHC) chemistry – where to go?”, (invited lecture).

212.        University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, 10. March 2022, “Versatile chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines”, (invited lecture).

Lecture Tour in India 2022

213.    Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, Mumbai/India, 23. March 2022: “Versatile chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines”, (invited lecture).

214.    Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, Pune/India, 24. March 2022: “Versatile chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines”, (invited lecture).

215.    Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi/India, 25. March 2022: “Versatile chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines”, (invited lecture).

216.    2nd Spanish Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry, 20th -21st June 2022: “The Versatile Chemistry of Li/X Phosphinidenoid Complexes”, (plenary lecture).

217.    16th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, Graz/Austria, July 24th – 29th 2022: „Oxaphosphirane and 1,2-Oxaphosphetane Chemistry”, (invited lecture).

218.    2022 ACS Fall Meeting, Chicago/USA, August 21st -26th 2022: “The Versatile Chemistry of Li/X Phosphinidenoid Complexes”, (invited lecture).

219.    ICMES 2022 Workshop, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba/Japan, September 3rd 2022: “The Versatile Chemistry of Li/X Phosphinidenoid Complexes”, (plenary lecture).

220.    Kyoto University, Kyoto/Japan, September 12th 2022: “The Versatile Chemistry of Li/X Phosphinidenoid Complexes”, (invited lecture).

221.    Nagoya University, Nagoya/Japan, September 12th 2022: “The Versatile Chemistry of Li/X Phosphinidenoid Complexes”, (invited lecture).

222.    Gifu University, Gifu/Japan, September 13th 2022: “The Versatile Chemistry of Li/X Phosphinidenoid Complexes”, (invited lecture).

223.    University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain, March 13, 2023: “Chemistry of small unligated P-heterocycles: oxaphosphiranes and oxaphosphetanes”, (invited lecture).

224.    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest/Hungary, May 2, 2023: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

225.    University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain: May 15, 2023: “Carbon and phosphorus – a diagonal relationship” (doctor honoris causa Award).

226.    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland/Ohio, USA, June 01, 2023: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

227.    CSC 2023 Annual Meeting, Vancouver/Canada, June 07, 2023: “The chemistry of Li/Cl phosphinidenoid metal complexes)”, (invited lecture).

228.    Brook University, St Catherines/Canada, June 12, 2023: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

229.    Dalhousie University, Halifax/Canada, June 14, 2023: “Chemistry of tricyclic 1,4-diphosphinines and bis(N-heterocyclic carbenes)”, (invited lecture).

230.    Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha, Albacete/Spain, Februar 21, 2024: “Advances in bis-HNC chemistry of P-linked, planar and folded scaffolds”, (invited lecture).

231.    University of Murcia, Murcia/Spain: February 22, 2024: “Generation and modulation of electron spin density in phosphorus compounds”; (invited lecture)

Upcoming talks:

232.    17th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems, Halifax/Canada, July 21th – 26th 2024: „Oxaphosphiranes and 1,2-Oxaphosphetanes”, (invited lecture).

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