HOWTO.txt — 5.4 KB
HOWTO for qmdff =============== ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- TURBOMOLE ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prepare a coord file. 2. Optimize. 3. Calculate the hessian (aforce, snf, driver [e.g. dftb or mopac]) the name should be <hessian> (<hessian_driver> for driver runs) 4. Do an ORCA (V.>2.9) single point with for example ! pbe cosmo ! sv(p) ! grid2 ! loosescf ! nofinalgrid %output print[P_Hirshfeld] 1 print[P_BondOrder_M] 1 print[P_Mayer] 1 end to get the charges and WBO (any other reasonable functional/basis will work as well). Large charged (bio)systems can be problematic in the SCF and in these cases pbe/cosmo can be replaced by e.g. pbe0. The following script does the single-point calculation and makes the Hirshfeld charges: #!/bin/bash orca inp > orca.out cat orca.out | sed -n '/HIRSHFELD/,/TOTAL[0-9. ]*/ p' | grep '^ \+[0-9]\+ [a-zA-Z]\+' | gawk '{print $3}' > charges The output must be on <orca.out> (read by qmdff). If for some reason ORCA does not work you can take the charges from another source. The format of the file <charges> is just #atoms lines with the charge of the atom in each line. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ORCA ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 1. Add to the above ORCA input the keyword ! freq to get additionally the Hessian. The frequency and charges/WBO generation steps of course can be separated and done at different levels. The code always tries to read <orca.out> and <my_orca_name.hess> (i.e. if you run ORCA with orca <my_orca_name>). ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- Gaussian ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Run Gaussian with the following single-point(!) input/settings (of course on the optimized geometry): ... freq pop(hirshfeld) density=current iop(7/33=1) iop(6/80=1) ... ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- running the FF generator ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- 0. IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT Do not forget to set ulimit -s unlimited in your shell! Use setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS <nproc> for parallel runs. System charges must be specified in a file <.CHRG> with one line and the appropriate system charge (used for checking the input charges only). 1. Run it: qmdff <QM_input_file_name> [-options] > out Here QM_input_file_name=coord (TURBOMOLE) =my_orca_file_name.hess (ORCA) =my_Gaussian_name.out. The names with extensions (coord, .hess, .out) are mandatory for automatic file detection. The ORCA output should be in <orca.out>. The final FF is in readable format in the file <solvent>. 2. Test the FF by doing a 50 ps MD: qmdff <QM_input_file_name> -rd -md > out (followed by molden qmdff.trj) 3. Optionally: test the FF by doing an optimization with the FF: qmdff <QM_input_file_name> -rd -opt > out (followed by molden qmdff.opt) The optimizer is rather primitive at the moment and not intended for routine use. ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- A (complicated) example ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Generate the following orca input file (<inp> in this case): ! pbe SV(P) grid4 tightscf opt freq * xyz 0 1 F -1.95690068 0.20534125 1.19397795 B -0.60384932 0.17936152 1.14699629 F 0.02030072 1.35150674 1.39207153 F -0.02279995 -0.91855264 1.69643953 C 1.10757233 -0.13087716 -0.89274184 O 1.67763054 0.74371187 -1.45632138 N -0.29829481 -0.08424579 -0.61283845 H 1.57716236 -1.04280700 -0.50181492 H -0.75590393 -0.96831284 -0.82642105 H -0.74491725 0.66487405 -1.13934766 * %output Print[ P_Hirshfeld ] 1 end 2. run ORCA: orca inp > orca.out 3. create the charge file: cat orca.out | sed -n '/HIRSHFELD/,/TOTAL[0-9. ]*/ p' | grep '^ \+[0-9]\+ [a-zA-Z]\+' | gawk '{print $3}' > charges 4. run the generator: qmdff inp.hess > qmdff.out 5. You will find a relatively large imaginary mode in the QMDFF Hessian. If you would try to optimize the system for testing purposes with: qmdff inp.hess -opt > qmdff.out you will find that the BF3 group dissociates from the N-atom in contradiction to the DFT input geometry. The reason can be found by careful inspection of the output. The B-N WBO is only about 0.4 which is a borderline case for covalent bonding. The qmdff program internally has a threshold when a bond is considered to be covalent which is 0.5 by default. Hence, in this example the amide and BF3 are considered as being only non-covalently interacting and therefore the generated FF corresponds to something different from the input. Such cases can not be handled fully automatically and require chemical knowledge of the user. The problem is solved by calling the program with a different threshold e.g.: 6. qmdff inp.hess -wbothr 0.4 > qmdff.out will produce a reaonable FF with the weak but covalent B-N stretch term. Similar problems normally do not appear for TM complexes because metal atoms are internally handled somewhat differently.