Workgroup of Prof. Glaum
The research area investigated in my working group is located in the field of inorganic solid state chemistry. Equally important are the targeted synthesis of crystalline solids and their characterization.
The aim of the investigations is to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between crystal structure and physical properties (color, magnetism). The description of the chemical bond between oxygen and transition metals is of particular interest.
Focal points are: anhydrous phosphates, chemical transport, optical properties
BIGS Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Simon Rickert
Universität Bonn, ...
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Dr. Simon Rickert, ETH Zürich
Career Perspective Postdoctoral Stay: At the Crossroads of Academia and Industry
Chemie des Riechens-die wunderbare Welt der Düfte (neuer Termin!)
Chemische Institute ...
05:15 PM - 06:15 PM
Die Vorträge der Reihe "EinBlick in die Chemie" richten sich an die interessierte Öffentlichkeit, besonders aber an Schülerinnen und Schüler der Oberstufe.
Prof. Dr. Robert Glaum
Tel.: +49 228 73-5353
Room: 1.030
Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Gerhard-Domagk-Str. 1
53121 Bonn