Dr Yang Wang was awarded an Argelander Starter-Kit Grant Dr Yang Wang - Argelander
2D confined molecular catalyst for C-N/C-S bonds electrosynthesis
Dr Yang Wang, a Postdoc in the research group of Prof Dr Nikolay Kornienko at the University of Bonn, was awarded an Argelander Starter-Kit Grant.

Electrochemically sustainable synthesis of C-N/C-S bonds containing chemicals from CO2 and NO3-/SO32- reactants is an emerging area that addresses energy and environmental issues while meeting societal needs.This project aims to use a novel 2D confined molecular catalyst for the electrosynthesis of high-value products (e.g. methylamine). It is promising to provide a molecular-level insights into the underlying mechanism and enhance coupling efficiency
significantly due to its precisely defined active sites. Furthermore, the success of this project is expected to be expanded to the synthesis of versatile high-value products and transferred to other kinds of important electrocatalysis reactions. The project has broad relevance, as it not only addresses pressing environmental concerns by reducing carbon emissions and water pollutants but also offers potential breakthroughs in chemical production technologies.
The Argelander Grants are among the most prestigious grants awarded by the University of Bonn to early-career researchers. They are used to prepare postdoctoral researchers in the transition phase after their doctorate for the start of an academic career. The funding helps postdoctoral researchers to achieve greater academic independence by supporting them in acquiring third-party funding, building networks and sharpening their international profile through longer research stays abroad.
Dr Yang Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow
yang2024 (at) uni-bonn.de