Dr. Gregor Schnakenburg wird mit dem Lehrpreis der Math.-Nat. Fakultät 2024 ausgezeichnet
Herr Dr. Gregor Schnakenburg aus dem Institut für Anorganische Chemie wurde zusammen mit weiteren Preisträgern der Lehrpreis der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät 2024 verliehen.
Dr. Anup Mandal has been awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowship
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Anup Mandal has been awarded a highly prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship by the Alexander von HumboldtFoundation to conduct an independent research project in the Bunescu Lab at the Kekulé Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Dr. Mandal's project will focus on the first-row transition-metal-catalyzed dearomative difunctionalization of arenes to reach molecular complexity.
Matthias Julian Justen, Stefan Kemmerich and Lukas Mohr are honored for top academic performance
On January 23, 2024, Mr. Justen, Mr. Kemmerich and Mr. Mohr were honored with an Award from the local section Bonn of the GDCh for the best Bachelor degrees of their cohort. Congratulations!