KOPO 2024 klein.jpg
© U. Blank

KOPO 2024
From Molecules to Materials
12th Workshop
May 26-29, 2024
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

DPG Bad Honnef

 Organization: Prof. Arne Lützen (Univ. Bonn), Prof. Sigurd Höger (Univ. Bonn),
Organization Office: Ulrike Blank (Univ. Bonn)

Dear Colleagues,
we would like to announce the forthcoming workshop

KOPO 2024 – From Molecules to Materials

which will be held May 26-29, 2024 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (http://www.dpg-physik.de/dpg/pbh/index.html)

As in the past, KOPO 2024 will provide an overview on new developments in the area of π- conjugated oligomers and polymers and functional dyes and will strengthen the cooperation within the scientific community. KOPO 2024 is a platform for exchanging know-how and new ideas between experienced and young colleagues. Therefore, we encourage participation of young academics and students. The topics will cover all kinds of synthetic and physical aspects of π- conjugated molecules and polymers.
The following internationally renowned colleagues have already agreed to present lectures at KOPO 2024:


Plenary Lectures:

Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner

Prof. Dr. Birgit Esser
Prof. Dr. Xinliang Feng
Prof. Dr. Colin Nuckolls

The number of participants is limited to 100.

The total fee is 570 € (single room) and includes registration, accommodation, full board and social program.
Reduced price for students is 460 € (double room) and includes registration, accommodation, full board and social program.
We are pleased to invite you and your co-workers to participate at the KOPO 2024 and to contribute presentations (oral or poster).
Deadline for registration is March 26th, 2024.

Registration is only valid after transfer of fees (first come, first serve). We are looking forward to welcoming you and your co-workers in Bad Honnef.

With best wishes,
the Organization Team



Prof. Dr. Arne Lützen, Kekulé-Institute of Organic Chemistry
phone: +49228 73 7533, arne.luetzen@uni-bonn.de
Prof. Dr. Sigurd Höger, Kekulé-Institute of Organic Chemistry
phone: +49228 73 6127, hoeger@uni-bonn.de
Ulrike Blank, Kekulé-Institute of Organic Chemistry
phone: +49248 73 3495, KOPO2024@uni-bonn.de


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